
Old Washersshutterstock 1057502558

Laundry Tips & Tricks

February 09, 2023

The Origins of Laundry Facilities - Part 2

The 1940’s is when the term “laundromat” came into fashion. It is the combination of the words “laundry” and “automatic”.

Mothballs Shutterstock 793022680

Laundry Tips & Tricks

January 27, 2023


How are mothballs and laundry related? Well mothballs are still great to prevent small creatures from eating your clothes. But then your clothes will come out smelling like insecticide.

Antique Washing Machines Shutterstock 1119213578

Laundry Tips & Tricks

January 13, 2023

The Origins of Laundry Facilities - Part 1

How did the laundromat come about?